Wednesday, January 17, 2007

It is too early in the morning for me to be posting anything, or even be awake in my opinion. The reason I'm up at such a dreadful hour is because I have to go to the gym to burn off all of my "munchies" calories from last night. For everyone who is against smoking weed: get over yourself and work on ridding that insecurity telling you that weed is a product of hell. If you don't like it, then don't smoke it and shut the hell up. Okay, now that I have that out of my system... last night: got high with two friends and watched the newest Texas Chainsaw Massacre then a bit of Family Guy. Now I believe that Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning is one of those movies that I personally would've been disgusted by if sober last night. On the contrary, I was under the influence and therefore appreciated the movie on the level which I believe the makers of the film intended. Rather than thinking "holy shit, I can't believe what I'm seeing" during gore scenes, I thought to myself about how much intricate detail was involved with the making of the scene and how much effort the special effects artist put forth for that extra mind-deceiving appearance of the mutilated flesh and, at times, gushing blood. It was a great film. Then as for Family Guy: Must I really say more than comic genious?

A movie that I've seen twice now in theatres is Children of Men. This film had me on the edge of my seat at times, evoked tears in my eyes, made me laugh, then brought out my repulse toward man-kind all within two hours. When watching the film, please ignore the small loose ends that make the film incohesive at times. This film takes today's current events and shoves them into viewers' faces, forcing them to realize what's going on overseas, the severity of pollutants to Earth, the idiocy of disputing against stem-cell research, and other issues. Okay plus Clive Owen is the protagonist ... that makes any film worth watching.

Okay time to get slim in the gym. Perhaps I'll post something worth your while later.

1 comment:

tangle. said...

lauren, lauren, lauren...who ARE you and how the heck did you find my blog? i was sure that there was absolutely nothing in my blog of interest that a search would possibly bring up. so my question is, how did you find me and how can we have so damn much in common:) ?